

Snaprud, M. (2022). Lessons learned from terminology harmonisation. Project report, SAMRISK project INSITU. University of Agder, Norway, 2022. ISBN 978-82-8427-098-2.

Munkvold, B.E., Gjøsæter, T., Hagen, D.A, Opach, T., Pilemalm, S., Radianti, J., Rustenberg, K., Rød, J.K., Snaprud, M., Steen-Tveit, K. (2021). Evaluering av INSITU skogbrannøvelse. Prosjektrapport, SAMRISK-prosjekt INSITU, Universitetet i Agder, Norge. ISBN 978-82-8427-050-0.

Snaprud, M., Haldorsen, T. and Munkvold, B.E. (2020). Project report: Methodology for terminology harmonisation. SAMRISK project INSITU. University of Agder, Norway, 2020. ISBN 978-82-8427-012-8

Munkvold, B.E., Opach, T., Radianti, J., Rød, J.K., Snaprud, M., Grottenberg, L.O., Pilemalm, S., Bunker, D., Majchrzak, T.A., Hagen, D.A., Moen, E. and Steen-Tveit, K. (2020). Project report: Requirements specification. SAMRISK project INSITU. University of Agder, Norway, 2020. ISBN 978-82-7117-981-6


Opach, T., Rød, J.K. and Munkvold, B.E. (2023). Map functions to facilitate situational awareness during emergency events. Cartography and Geographic Information Science.

Munkvold, B.E. (2023). Støtte for effektivt samvirke ved større hendelser. Sikkerhet, 1/2023, s. 64.

Rustenberg, K. and Steen-Tveit, K. (2023). En digital møteplass for samhandling. Sikkerhet, 1/2023, s. 65-67.

Rød, J.K. and Opach, T. (2023). Bruk av kartsymboler i krisehåndtering. Sikkerhet, 1/2023, 68-69.

Steen-Tveit, K. and Snaprud, M. (2023). Fremmere for samvirke. Sikkerhet, 1/2023, s. 70-71.

Steen-Tveit. K. and Munkvold, B.E. (2023). Defining Common Information Requirements for Supporting Multiagency Emergency Operations. In Scholl, H.J., Holdeman, E.E. and Boersma, F. K. (Eds.), Disaster Management and Information Technology, Public Administration and Information Technology 40, Springer Cham, pp. 307-322.

Pilemalm, S., Munkvold, B.E. and Radianti, J. (2023). Developing Information Systems for Collaborative Emergency Management: Requirements Analysis and Prototyping. Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction, 7th IFIP WG 5.15 International Conference (ITDRR 2022), Springer.

Munkvold, B.E. (2023). Supporting Inter-Agency Collaboration in Emergency Management: Recurring Challenges Relevant for CSCW. Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2023), Reports of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies, Trondheim.

Radianti, J., Pilemalm, S., Steen-Tveit, K. and Rustenberg, K. (2023). Enhancing Learning from Incidents by Reconstruction of Events: Using the SQUARE Tool for Evaluation. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2023).

Rustenberg, K. and Munkvold, B.E. (2022). Et godt samvirke kan kreve at vi må ha tillit til dem vi ikke kjenner. Ambulanseforum, publisert 24.06.2022.

Steen-Tveit, K. (2022). Using a Public Safety Radio Network for Information Negotiation between the Three-Tiered Command and Control Structure. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2022), 2501-2510.

Steen-Tveit, K., Munkvold, B.E. and Radianti, J. (2021). Using live video for communication between lay bystanders and emergency dispatchers in command and control centers. International Journal of Emergency Management, 17(2), 154-176.

Opach, T. and Rød, J.K. (2021). A user-centric optimization of emergency map symbols to facilitate common operational picture. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 49(2), 134-153.

Steen-Tveit, K. and Munkvold, B.E. (2021). From common operational picture to common situational understanding: An analysis based .on practitioner perspectives. Safety Science, Vol. 142, Article 105381.

Pilemalm, S., Radianti, J. Munkvold, B.E., Majchrzak, T.A. and Steen-Tveit, K. (2021). Turning Common Operational Picture Data into Double-loop Learning from Crises – can Vision Meet Reality? Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2021).

Steen-Tveit, K. (2021). Øvelser i samvirke – det enkleste er ofte det beste? Fagartikkel, Politiforum.

Opach, T., Rød, J.K., Munkvold, B.E., Radianti, J., Steen-Tveit, K. and Grottenberg, L.O. (2020). Map-based Interfaces for Common Operational Picture. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2020), pp. 276-294.

Steen-Tveit, K. (2020). Identifying Information Requirements for Improving the Common Operational Picture in Multi-Agency Operations. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2020), pp. 276-294.

Steen-Tveit, K., Radianti, J. and Munkvold, B.E. (2020). SMS-based real-time data collection for evaluation of situational awareness and common operational picture: lessons learned from a field exercise. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2020), pp. 276-294.

Steen-Tveit, K., Radianti, J. and Munkvold, B.E. (2020). Using Audio-Logs for Analyzing the Development of a Common Operational Picture in Multi-agency Emergency Response. Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2020), Maui, Hawaii.

Munkvold, B.E., Opach, T., Pilemalm, S., Radianti, J., Rød, J.K. and Snaprud, M. (2019). Sharing information for common situational understanding in emergency response. Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden.

Munkvold, B.E, Radianti, J., Rød, J.K., Opach, T., Snaprud, M., Pilemalm, S. and Bunker, D. (2019). Sharing Incident and Threat Information for Common Situational Understanding. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2019), pp. 1357–1363.